Science Bar

Friday 27 November 2015

Generating Electricity From Friction

This is a power project based on the fact that electricity can be generated with the help of speed  breaker by making gear arrangement and using electronics gadgets, thus a huge amount of electricity can be generated saving lot of money. And if implemented will be very beneficial.

This is the new method of electricity generation,This project is about GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY with the SPEED BREAKERS. Generally when vehicle is in motion it produces various forms of energy like, due to friction between vehicle’s wheel and road i.e. rough surface heat is produced.An energy crisis is any great bottleneck in the supply of energy resources to an economy.It usually refers to the shortage of oil and additionally to electricity or other natural resources. An energy crisis may be referred to as an oil crisis, petroleum crisis, energy shortage, electricity shortage electricity crisis.

This project will work on the principle of “POTENTIAL ENERGY TO ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONVERSION”Potential energy can be thought of as energy stored within a physical system. This energy can be released or converted into other forms of energy, including kinetic energy. It is called potential energy because it has the potential to change the states of objects in the system when the energy is released If h is the height above an arbitrarily assigned reference point.

Kinetic energy of an object is the extra energy which it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its current velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes. Negative work of the same magnitude would be required to return the body to a state of rest from that velocity. The kinetic energy can be calculated using the formula:In this project a mechanism to generate power by converting the potential energy generated by a vehicle going up on a speed breaker into kinetic energy.

When the vehicle moves over the inclined plates, it gains height resulting in increase in potential energy, which is wasted in a conventional rumble strip When the breaker come down, they crank a lever fitted to a ratchet-wheel type mechanism (a angular motion converter).This in turn rotates a geared shaft loaded with recoil springs. The output of this shaft is coupled to a dynamo to convert kinetic energy into electricity.A vehicle weighing 1,000 kg going up a height of 10 cm on such a rumble strip produces approximately 0.98 kilowatt power. So one such speed-breaker on a busy highway, where about 100 vehicles pass every minute, about one kilo watt of electricity can be produced every single minute.
Knowledge of following terms is very useful while making project.

TUTORIAL LINK: New idea can be made like the project above. Batteries can be attached to the street lights. So when the car passes the speed breaker the lights will start by the button in the transformer.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Smoke Detector

A smoke detector is a device  that senses smoke, typically as an indicator of fire. Commercial security devices issue a signal to a fire alarm control panel as part of a fire alarm system, while household detectors, known as smoke alarms, generally issue a local audible or visual alarm from the detector itself.

Smoke detectors are typically housed in a disk-shaped plastic enclosure about 150 millimetres (6 in) in diameter and 25 millimetres (1 in) thick, but the shape can vary by manufacturer or product line. Most smoke detectors work either by optical detection (photoelectric) or by physical process (ionization), while others use both detection methods to increase sensitivity to smoke. Sensitive alarms can be used to detect, and thus deter, smoking in areas where it is banned. Smoke detectors in large commercial, industrial, and residential buildings are usually powered by a central fire alarm system, which is powered by the building power with a battery backup. However, in many single-family detached and smaller multiple family housings, a smoke alarm is often powered only by a single disposable battery.

Some smoke alarms use a carbon monoxide sensor or carbon dioxide sensor to detect characteristic products of combustion. However, some gas sensors react on levels that are dangerous for humans but not typical for a fire; these are therefore not generally sensitive or fast enough to be used as fire detectors.[citation needed] Other gas sensors are even able to warn about particulate-free fires (e. g. certain alcohol fires).

Obscuration is a unit of measurement that has become the standard definition of smoke detector sensitivity. Obscuration is the effect that smoke has on reducing sensor visibility; higher concentrations of smoke result in higher obscuration levels.

TUTORIAL LINK: Can be bought online or from any Electric appliances store.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Van De Graaff Generator

a machine devised to produce a high voltage by means of an endless belt collecting electrostatic charge from a source and transferring it to a large isolated metal dome, on which a large charge accumulates.

The Van de Graaff generator was developed as a particle accelerator in physics research, its high potential is used to accelerate subatomic particles to high speeds in an evacuated tube. It was the most powerful type of accelerator in the 1930s until the cyclotron was developed. Today it is still used as an accelerator to generate energetic particle and x-ray beams in fields such as nuclear medicine.

A simple Van de Graaff-generator consists of a belt of rubber (or a similar flexible dielectric material) running over two rollers of differing material, one of which is surrounded by a hollow metal sphere. Two electrodes, (2) and (7), in the form of comb-shaped rows of sharp metal points, are positioned near the bottom of the lower roller and inside the sphere, over the upper roller. Comb (2) is connected to the sphere, and comb (7) to ground. The method of charging is based on the triboelectric effect, wherein simple contact of dissimilar materials causes the transfer of some electrons from one material to the other.

Friday 20 November 2015

Geothermal Power Station

Geothermal power stations are similar to other steam turbine thermal power stations – heat from a fuel source (in geothermal'scase, the earth's core) is used to heat water or another working fluid. The working fluid is then used to turn a turbine of a generator, thereby producing electricity.

The earth’s heat content is about 10^31 joules. This heat naturally flows to the surface by conduction at a rate of 44.2 terrawatts (TW) and is replenished by radioactive decay at a rate of 30 TW. These power rates are more than double humanity’s current energy consumption from primary sources, but most of this power is too diffuse (approximately 0.1 W/m2 on average) to be recoverable. The Earth's Crust effectively acts as a thick insulating blanket which must be pierced by fluid conduits (of magma, water or other) to release the heat underneath.



Stations that experience high levels of acids and volatile chemicals are usually equipped with emission-control systems to reduce the exhaust. Geothermal stations could theoretically inject these gases back into the earth, as a form of carbon capture and storage.

TUTORIAL LINK: Can be made like the figure above as a model. Motors can be added along with LED's to make it a working project.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Solar Oven

solar cooker is a device which uses the energy of direct sunlight to heat, cook or pasteurize food or drink. Many solar cookers presently in use are relatively inexpensive, low-tech devices, although some are as powerful or as expensive as traditional stoves, and advanced, large-scale solar cookers can cook for hundreds of people.

Many types of solar cookers exist, including curved concentrator solar cookers, solar ovens, and panel cookers, among others.

A solar oven is turned towards the sun and left until the food is cooked. Unlike cooking on a stove or over a fire, which may require more than an hour of constant supervision, food in a solar oven is generally not stirred or turned over, both because it is unnecessary and because opening the solar oven allows the trapped heat to escape and thereby slows the cooking process. If wanted, the solar oven may be checked every one to two hours, to turn the oven to face the sun more precisely and to ensure that shadows from nearby buildings or plants have not blocked the sunlight. If the food is to be left untended for many hours during the day, then the solar oven is often turned to face the point where the sun will be when it is highest in the sky, instead of towards its current position.

It is important to reduce convection by isolating the air inside the cooker from the air outside the cooker. Simply using a glass lid on your pot enhances light absorption from the top of the pan and provides a greenhouse effect that improves heat retention and minimizes convectional loss. This "glazing" transmits incoming visible sunlight but is opaque to escaping infrared thermal radiation. In resource constrained settings, a high-temperature plastic bag can serve a similar function, trapping air inside and making it possible to reach temperatures on cold and windy days similar to those possible on hot days.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Passive Infrared Sensor

A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. They are most often used in PIR-based motion detectors.
A PIR-based motion detector is used to sense movement of people, animals, or other objects. They are commonly used in burglar alarms and automatically-activated lighting systems. They are commonly called simply "PIR", or sometimes "PID", for "passive infrared detector".
When used as part of a burglar alarm, the electronics in the PIR typically control a small relay. This relay completes the circuit across a pair of electrical contacts connected to a detection input zone of the burglar alarm control panel. The system is usually designed such that if no motion is being detected, the relay contact is closed—a 'normally closed' (NC) relay. If motion is detected, the relay opens, triggering the alarm.
Pairs of sensor elements may be wired as opposite inputs to a differential amplifier. In such a configuration, the PIR measurements cancel each other so that the average temperature of the field of view is removed from the electrical signal; an increase of IR energy across the entire sensor is self-cancelling and will not trigger the device. This allows the device to resist false indications of change in the event of being exposed to brief flashes of light or field-wide illumination. (Continuous high energy exposure may still be able to saturate the sensor materials and render the sensor unable to register further information.) At the same time, this differential arrangement minimizes common-mode interference, allowing the device to resist triggering due to nearby electric fields. However, a differential pair of sensors cannot measure temperature in this configuration, and therefore is only useful for motion detection.